Saturday, October 4, 2014

Weeks Thirty-Eight and Thirty-Nine

The past couple of weeks have been kind of low-key. Brad has been working extra evenings since it is football season, and I have been busy at school.

However, we did get some good news early in week 38. We found out that baby girl is 100% healthy with all of her bits and pieces working exactly as they should. We also chose a name for her.

Nora likes to call her Tilly as a nick name, but I kind of love "Matilda" as it is. Time will tell which name will stick, but either way, we're pretty excited to meet this sweet little thing come January.

I took an afternoon last week for some pampering. I got my hair cut and colored, and I got a pedicure. Nora hasn't stopped telling me since then how much she loves my hair and my toes. She's such a girly girl. Here I am taking a new hair selfie with a certain little monkey jumping on the bed.

Still no news on the house. We feel pretty sure at this point that it won't sell by the time we're ready to pull it off the market which is a month from now at the latest. I am sad that we most likely won't be settled into a new home before the baby arrives, but we will make it work and we'll try again in the spring, if that is what it comes to.

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