Sunday, May 3, 2015

Week 18

This sweet little thing hasn't been feeling great. She's had a runny nose for a couple of weeks, it seems, and she started coughing a few days ago. We went to the doctor, and her chest and lungs are clear, so it's just the typical East Tennessee "drainage" from a spring cold or seasonal allergies. Hard tellin'. Thankfully, she is in good spirits, and look at how strong she is getting!

We had some pretty days this week, so we found our way over to the neighborhood park and playground. Tilly just chilled in her stroller, but Nora had the run of the place as there were only 2 other kiddos there.

On our way out of the park, we spotted a butterfly! Nora stood and stared for a while, but she didn't want to get too close.

I wish we'd gotten a closer shot of her. She was so pretty with her shades of blue and purple.

After we got home from the park, both girls were pooped. They both took long naps, and Nora was so tired that she went straight from a nap on the couch to her bed for the night. She didn't even want to eat dinner.

Predictably, she woke up around 3 a.m. wanting to get a snack, but I managed to convince her to get back in bed (with me, but at least that's better than being up at 3 a.m!), and she went back to sleep until 7:00-- a much more acceptable time to get up for the day.

Tomorrow is Brad's birthday, so today, Nora and I decided to bake him a cake and make him a card since tomorrow is a work day and we'll all be at work/school/pre-school/daycare. A few days ago, Nora and I were at the grocery store, and I let her pick out everything we needed. She chose a funfetti cake, chocolate icing, star sprinkles, and candles that spell out Happy Birthday. We hid it in my car until today when Brad went out to run some errands. As soon as he pulled out of the driveway, Nora was excited to get started on his birthday surprise!

We finished and were taking these last 2 pictures as Brad walked in the door. It was perfect timing!

Nora was so proud and excited to give her Daddy his birthday surprise. I love how she is looking at him here. Awwww!

Finally, Nora has taken an interest in taking our pictures lately. Whether with the Ipad or the camera, the tables have turned on us. Here are 2 pictures she took this evening.

She was standing on her step, looking UP and Mommy and Daddy and DOWN at baby sister. Our little photographer-in-training.

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