This week, we celebrated Easter and Nora's 4th birthday. FOUR! Nora is 4 years old.
Where on Earth has the time gone?? How has this sweet baby turned into this smart, sassy, outgoing 4 year old big girl?
I did Nora's 2nd annual birthday interview, and she did not disappoint with her responses. Some were no-brainers, while others caught me off guard because she seemed to be just making stuff up as she went along. Here's how it went:
What is your name? Nora
How old are you today? Four!
What is your favorite color? My favorite color is purple and pink.
What is your favorite letter? Um, W.
Do you have a favorite number? Yes
What is it? Five.
What is your favorite animal? My favorite animal is a kitty cat.
What does a cat say? Meow!
What is your favorite food? My favorite food is uh.. pizza.
What is your favorite snack? Pancakes (This one was because we had just eaten pancakes for breakfast.)
What is your favorite thing to drink? My favorite drink is orange juice.
What is your favorite book to read? My favorite book is the princess book. (I think she meant a hard cover book filled with princess fairy tales, but I'm not sure.)
What's your favorite song to sing? The princess song. (???)
Can you sing it for me? (She sings some made up rhyme about princesses)
What is your favorite thing to watch on TV or the Ipad? Curious George
What is your favorite movie? My favorite movie is Cinderella.
What is your favorite toy to play with? My favorite toy is a yo-yo. (She had just gotten one in her Easter basket.)
What makes you happy? Mommy
What makes you sad? Nobody makes me sad.
What is something you're good at? Good at Chuck E Cheese with Amelia
Happy Birthday! Happy Birthday (she says back)
Do you want to sing Happy Birthday? No
Ok, I love you. I love you, too.
Nora's birthday this year happened to fall on Easter Sunday. The night before, Brad and Nora dyed eggs. Nora patiently/impatiently waited for them to be ready. She was pretty into it, and I know it's a tradition she will look forward to each year.
When we woke up in the morning, we wished Nora a Happy Birthday, but we also woke up to see that the Easter Bunny had arrived.
When we woke up in the morning, we wished Nora a Happy Birthday, but we also woke up to see that the Easter Bunny had arrived.
Nora's Easter basket was filled with things like candy, stickers, and side walk chalk while Tilly got PJs, a stuffed bunny rabbit, and a rattle. We made pancakes and bacon, and then we got ready for church, where we would attend what our pastor calls "The World's Fastest Easter Egg Hunt".
After church, we went to Bo and Lea's for a family lunch/Easter egg hunt/birthday celebration.
When we got home, we had a big birthday present waiting for Nora, and she was pretty happy about it.
Ok, confession time. At some point, Nora will see her 3rd birthday blog entry and her 4th and realize that she got the exact same thing for both birthdays ha! We bought her this bike last year, but it was too big for her. So, we stored it away and bought her a tricycle instead (seen in the background). Of course, she completely forgot about it in the mean time. Naughty parents, I know. The helmet is new, though, and she was as happy, so what more can we ask for?
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