Saturday, January 18, 2014

Week Three

Today was Nora's "mid year skills presentation" at The Little Gym. Her class was small today- only 5 kiddos, so they really got to show off their "stuff" and enjoy a little bit of the spotlight.

Swinging like a little monkey
Balance beam
Doing kicks on the balance beam
Forward roll
More rolling
Ta da!
Bear crawl

Nora has grown so much in strength, skill, and confidence. I just love watching her learn and grow! The kids also had some time on "the big red mat" for some group activities.

Ms. Sara has them putting on their  "looking goggles".
These two.
Blowing bubbles is intense.
Nora kept yelling, "My turn!" even when it wasn't her turn.
Once they finished with their skills and their group activities, the "Super Beasts" were all given a red ribbon that said, "I'm a Star at The Little Gym" to reward them for their good work so far this season.

Here is Nora up on the "podium" receiving her ribbon from her teacher.

And here the sweet kiddos are after accepting their "awards".

Pretty sure Amelia's face is because Nora is choking her.
She looks like she can breathe a little easier here.
A happy group of "Super Beasts" and their proud teacher

This afternoon, Nora had a friend from church, Madeleine, come over to play. It was Madeleine's first time to our house, and the girls did pretty well together. They both had the most fun playing with all of Nora's baby dolls (and accessories). I didn't get any pictures of them together, but hopefully there will be other opportunities. While the girls played, I had a chance to snuggle Madeleine's new baby brother Colin. He's 6 weeks old and bundle of sweetness. He might be the most chill baby I've ever met.

After her play date was over, Nora decided she needed to check on me to make sure I was in good health.

Paging Dr. Nora

Shifting gears, I have recently learned of 3 separate sad situations involving families I have connections to. In 2 of these situations, a child was lost- one to cancer and one due to complications resulting from a tragic incident. In the 3rd situation, a little girl was diagnosed with leukemia. It is unfathomable to any parent, and my heart hurts for these families. I can't help but hold Nora just a little bit closer. Every day truly is a gift.

Snuggles with Nora this week. I am infinitely thankful for her health and safety.

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