Sunday, February 3, 2013

Week 5- Growing Up

Every day, it seems like Nora is growing by leaps and bounds.

I received several picture texts from Tracy this week updating me on Nora's new adventures. On Monday, I got one telling me that Nora's buddy, Dontae, was visiting! Dontae was Nora's first day care friend, but several months ago, his family moved. However, twice this week, he was there for a "drop in", and apparently, he and Nora were "partners in crime".

They got so rowdy on Friday, that Ms. Tracy had to put these 2 little cherubs in "time out".
Another message I got this week was that Nora has "graduated" from napping in her playpen- the one she has been in since she was 4 months old- to one of the "big kid mats" on the floor! When Tracy told me she was going to make this transition, I wished her luck and told her I was glad it was her instead of me. However, on Tuesday at exactly 1:04 p.m, this picture came through on my phone.
1:04 is four minutes after nap time begins. Tracy is magical. This would never happen at home. NEVER!
Another change this week is that Nora has started drinking out of non-sippy cups.

So far, no big spills. She looks pretty pleased with herself, I think! (For some reason, I can not enlarge this picture, and it is making me crazy!)
This weekend has been low key, as usual. Nora took a big interest in some ABC flash cards I found in the dollar bin at Target. She's been really "into" letters in general for quite some time. I suppose that's not terribly surprising. Here are a few things you can find in her bedroom...
So, I guess it's a no-brainer that identifying her ABCs is something she's picked up on fairly easily.
It's a lot of fun listening to her sing her alphabet and yell out letters at random when she notices them in print. She's a smart little cookie. We're pretty proud of her.
I realize that this is supposed to be more of a family blog and not entirely about Nora, so here are a a couple of highlights:
- I had my first 5 day school week since returning in January. We'd had a couple of snow days and the MLK holiday. This was the first week with nothing, and so it made for kind of a long week. I know, wah wah wah!
- Brad had an interview for a new position within his same department at UT. He's kept pretty hush hush on this because we really have no idea if he'll get the job or not (even though he's obviously the best candidate for the job!) Hopefully we'll have some good news about this in the next couple of weeks.
So, 5 weeks in the books. I can't believe it's February already.

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