Sunday, January 27, 2013

Week 4- Stir Crazy

We made it through a fairly uneventful week. Nora has been feeling better for the most part, except for a runny nose and those pesky 2 year molars that are giving her fits.

We were looking forward to the weekend since the previous one was spent indoors with a stomach bug; however, by Wednesday night, we were once again looking at a prediction for "winter weather". Sure enough, on Thursday night, we got word that school would be canceled on Friday. We woke up Friday to rain, ice, and sub-freezing temperatures.

I really thought we would go crazy indoors. By the end of the day, Nora was literally running laps around her table. It was both hysterically funny and maddening at the same time. We did our best to keep her busy, but one can only do the same puzzles, roll the same ball, and read the same books so many times. I think even Nora was getting tired of Elmo, and that is saying something.

Here Brad is doing his fatherly duty, trying to keep her from going completely shack happy.

I decided that no matter what the weather, I HAD TO get Nora out of our house on Saturday. I texted Allison and we made plans to get Nora and Amelia together. We opted for the indoor playground at West Town Mall. Nora was so excited to realize that her friend Amelia was there, and they had fun running around like the little hooligans that they are.

We ended our playdate with lunch at the food court. A hot dog and fritos for Nora. Pizza for Amelia. Then they shared an oatmeal raisin cookie. Toddler approved, although not exactly high on the nutrition charts! After a fun afternoon with her bestie, we headed home so Nora could take a nap.
Brad and I decided that after so much time cooped up inside that she needed some more "run around" time. It was a little on the chill side, but we took her to Victor Ashe where she ran and ran and ran around on the jungle gym until we just couldn't keep up with her anymore. It was a delightful day, and we successfully wore Nora out. Or maybe she wore us out. Either way, it was good for all of us.
When we got home, I tried to make up for her less-than-stellar lunch with some homemade split pea soup for dinner. I was pleasantly surprised that Nora gave it an approving "YUM" several times.
Not surprisingly, she went to bed for the night without a peep. 
The week ahead is supposed to be a bit warmer, so I'm hoping we can get Nora out of the house a few times.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Week 3- Let It Snow!

Since moving south 10 years ago, I've grown to accept that I might never again see a white Christmas (unless we are in Nova Scotia for the holidays). I am of the mindset that if there is no snow for Christmas, I don't want to see it at all. Well, on Thursday afternoon, the snow started to come down, and we were sent home early from school. I picked up Nora from day care, and by the time I got to her, driving visibility was pretty much 0%. Since I didn't get my drivers license until 3 years ago, this was my first time driving in the snow. It really didn't bother me. I guess you can't take the Canadian out of the girl when it comes to "hazardous" driving conditions.

I even snapped a picture of my windshield to send to my sister while stopped at a red light in bumper to bumper traffic on Broadway.

Anyway, once we got snuggled in at home, Nora took to the window to watch the snow come down (and to see the cars get stuck on the hill in front of our house).

By dinner time, the school superintendent, Dr. McIntyre, had already called off school for Friday. Score! Now I remember what snow is good for besides providing a pretty backdrop for twinkly lights. I very excitedly looked forward to taking Nora out to play the next morning. Snow men! Snow angels! General snow day frolicking was to be enjoyed by all.  Right?!

 Er... notsomuch. She very hesitantly walked down the driveway while holding my hand. Crunch, crunch, crunch under our feet. And then, the lip started to quiver. I got down and made a snow angel. The real tears started. I picked up the snow and tossed it whimsically about. The snot started running down her face. I held the snow in front of her to see that it wasn't that bad. She had a complete meltdown.

Maybe next time? Whenever that might be.

In other news, Nora came down with a stomach bug. I won't write about the gory details, but let's just say that it was a well-rounded stomach bug. We spent much of this long weekend inside since she was under the weather. During this time, she reminded me why spending money on toys is a complete waste.

Today, she finally seemed to feel better. She hadn't eaten more than a few nibbles in a few days, but finally, her appetite seemed to be re-emerging. She asked for milk with her breakfast (I guess she was tired of water and pedialyte), and she gleefully snatched my sandwich out of my hand at lunch time.

Since she seemed to be feeling better, and since the snow is gone (You didn't think it would actually last, did you??), and since it warmed up a little, we took Nora outside. She hoofed it up and down the yard a dozen times, enjoying the sunshine and the fresh air.

Here she is, clearly on a mission.

So, I guess we survived week 3 of 2013, despite Mother Nature's best efforts.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Week 2- Christmas In January

We received a gift in the mail from my parents last week- a check! We had fun shopping for Christmas presents, and Nora had so much fun perusing the toy aisles at Target. Here she is with some of her new toys. Not surprisingly, she picked out Elmo herself!

Thanks, Nanny and Grampy! Notice Daddy's IPod Touch in her right hand?

Did you want to make something of it? (Also, how about that post-bath and not-yet-combed hair?)

Nora wasn't the only one who did some shopping. I bought some new clothes, and I treated myself to a pedicure. Brad is saving his money for a rainy day. (Perhaps to take me out for Valentine's Day? How sweet of him!)

Despite the Christmas shopping in January, it sure hasn't felt much like Christmas today. While we've had some cold and rainy days over the past couple of weeks, it was a decidedly spring-like 75 degrees (24 celsius) today. After Nora woke up from her afternoon nap, we headed over to the greenway that connects Victor Ashe Park to Northwest Middle School for a walk. We meandered our way for about a mile, and Nora walked about half of that on her own! She really enjoyed greeting the dogs that were out for walks with their owners, and she was fascinated by the running water in a nearby creek.


She decided to take a little break. At this point she had walked most of her 1/2 mile and was getting tired. She wanted to be carried most of the way back to the car from here. She did not want to ride in her stroller. She wanted to "ride" in my arms. Fine by me!

We stopped by Food City on our way home because Brad decided it was the perfect night to grill steaks. Nora and I waited in the car, and we had fun tossing a ball back and forth while we waited for her Daddy to return to the car with dinner.

After dinner time and bath time, Nora was worn out. She's normally in bed for the night at 8:00. At 7:45, I asked her if she was almost ready for bed. At first, she told me "uh uh", but then after a second, she looked at me and said "night night" and walked straight to her crib. Most nights, she will talk, sing, and play for a little while before falling asleep, but tonight, I heard nary a peep from her.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Week 1- It's a Whole New Year

I can not believe that 2013 is upon us. Last year was a good one for us giving us very little to complain about.

We spent New Year's Day at Bo and Lea's house celebrating with family. Nora received a gift, a Magnadoodle, and she loves it!

It's kind of been a quiet first week. Brad went back to work on the 2nd, and I go back tomorrow. Nora spent some time at home with me and some time with Ms. Tracy and her friends at day care. The weather has been dreary and rainy, so we spent much more time inside than outside.

Nora spent some time working intently on her puzzles and reading books.

Something else that happened this week? Nora turned 21 months old. That's 1.75 years old. She's on the fast track to 2!

Overall, I'd say we're off to a good start to the new year. Here's to happiness and health over the next 52 weeks.